Kurssin etusivu

Luennot (Lecture notes)



Lääkeainesynteesit II (Drug Synthesis II)

Welcome to Drug Synthesis II  Homepage


This course will present the synthesis methods for the preparation of drug molecules,  fundamentals of asymmetric synthesis, peptide synthesis, combinatorial chemistry and prodrugs. The course introduces students to the SciFinder Scholar database for synthesis planning. After the course student has basic knowledge for drug synthesis methods and he/she is able to utilize chemistry databases in synthesis design.

The lecture notes, homeworks can be found under the link: Lecture notes. I have collected some links related to this course under: Linkit. Scope of the course is 4.0 ECTS credits and it contain lectures (20 h), homeworks assignments and exercises (8 h). 


Participation in lectures, homework assignments and the take-home exam. Take-home exam consists questions based on given druglike compound.

Take home exam answers must be returned at the latest 1st of May .




max. 40 points



max. 60 points


max. 100 points


90-100 points = 5 (excellent)

80-89 points = 4 (very good)

70-79 points = 3 (good)

60-69 points = 2 (sufficient)

50-59 points =1 (satisfactory)

0-49 poiunts = F (fail)

Course leader:

University Scientist Tapio Nevalainen, School of pharmacy, tel. 040-355 2479,  MD3015 (Mediteknia), sähköposti

Kurssin etusivu

Luennot (Lecture notes)



Sivua on viimeksi päivitetty 08.02.2012