# Note (30.09.2001): tmpwatch-2.8.x from RedHat also has these changes. So use that version instead, because more people test it. -Jarno # Changes to tmpwatch-2.7.4: (I used emacs to format the code so it's easier to read (for me)) cleanupDirectory takes extra parameters: - fulldirname = full pathname to the directory (used when printing error messages) - reldirname = directory w/out path used for all dir/file operations - st_dev = device of the temporary directory (eg. /tmp) this is checked so cleanupDirectory will not cross filesystems - st_ino = inode of rel/fulldirname directory. This is checked in safe_chdir to make sure that the directory hasn't changed between lstat->cleanupDirectory / safe_chdir - Check that lost+found directory is owned by root. safe_chdir: - use relative pathname in chdir. Change order of device / inode check (from Pavel K.) - make sure that inode / dev of reldirname are the same as the parameter inode/dev. check_fuser: - use relative pathname - use FILENAME_MAX buffersize Any feedback welcome ! Cheers, -Jarno Huuskonen